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Professionisti esperti in sostituzione di finestre a Manchester

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Tutti i Filtri
Manchester / 50 km
115 di 73 professionisti
73 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professionisti esperti in sostituzione di finestre a Manchester

Old English Window Company
Professionisti esperti in sostituzione di finestre a Manchester
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle24 marzo 2018
“We contacted Matt about restoring and replacing the backdoor/frame in our Victorian property. We have been very pleased with Matt and the teams professionalism, service and the finished door. We wouldn't hesitate to use them again or recommend them . Thank you.”
Plantation Shutters Direct
Professionisti esperti in sostituzione di finestre a Manchester
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle19 giugno 2016
“Great service. We had a consultation and then waited for a couple of months until they arrived made to measure. The installation was quick and they completed the full front of our house within 3 hours. The house is now transformed and I would highly recommend anyone thinking of getting them to do so as they look absolutely stunning.”
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