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Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield

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Springfield / 50 km
115 di 27 professionisti
27 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield

Custom Corners LLC
Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle23 ottobre 2012
“This was the first time we ever built our own house and I was not sure what I wanted. I had a picture of some cabinets in a magazine. Our cabinets ended up being better than the magazine! Heather matched the stain color and the coffee glaze perfectly! I did not know how to organize my kitchen, but Don did an excellent job. There is nothing that I would change. Everything is exactly where I would want it. Our cabinetry is very detailed. Other wood-workers who have visited our home are awed by the craftmenship! It is the focal point of our home and is the most complimented part of our house. They also did a great job making our bathroom vanity and bar. We also had them make our mantle surrounding our fireplace. It is beautiful! They were very easy to work with and eager to please. You will not regret looking at their work everyday in your home. Melissa K.”
Ed Hines Company
Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle27 agosto 2015
“During my 16 years as Curator of the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame Ed Hines Co. was my go to company for all things Cabinetry. Ed could take my basic design and turn it into a world class display piece. In addition Ed has created a number of custom pieces for my home.”
Alpine Wood Products
Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle31 dicembre 2015
“As a residential design professional, I have recommended Alpine Wood Products to my clients for years. I can always look forward to professional service, timely installation and an excellent finished product!”
David Thiessen Woodworker LLC
Professionisti esperti in realizzazioni di pareti attrezzate su misura a Springfield
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle21 dicembre 2015
“David did a great job to ensure we got exactly what we wanted. We showed him photos of what we wanted and described any changes and he created the custom look we wanted. David worked with us upfront so we would know what the costs would be and we had no surprises during the project. Highest recommendation.”
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