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Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown

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Newtown / 50 km
115 di 35 professionisti
35 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown

Nook Designs
Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle26 settembre 2021
“We are delighted with our alcove shelving and presses by Wojtek. He is a perfectionist and even the smallest details are completed to a very high standard. All of our requirements were met and I would absolutely recommend him.”
MD Kitchens
Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle14 aprile 2021
“MD Kitchens are a great company to deal with. Michael is very reliable and great to work with. His work is very professional and of the highest standard”
Jacob Bespoke Joinery
Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle10 maggio 2016
“I can't recommend Jacob Bespoke Joinery enough. Ivan did a fantastic job on our kitchen and panelling and really transformed our house. Ivan was very helpful and offered great advice throughout the design and fit. I highly recommend his services.”
noctor furniture
Falegnami e mobili su misura a Newtown
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle7 gennaio 2014
“Stewart made bedroom wardrobes & matching headboard for my bedroom. His attention to detail was amazing and his work was second to none. I also saw the Kitchen he made and fitted to my friend's kitchen . I would say if he entered this kitchen in some national competition he would definitely make the top 5 . This is how much I rate Stewart Noctor.”
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