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Professionisti esperti in mobili bagno su misura a Forfar

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Forfar / 50 km
18 di 8 professionisti
8 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professionisti esperti in mobili bagno su misura a Forfar

Professionisti esperti in mobili bagno su misura a Forfar
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle15 giugno 2018
“My wife and I commissioned Birkwood to build a new kitchen I had designed for our newbuild tenement flat in Portobello, Edinburgh http://johnkinsleyarchitects.co.uk/portfolio_page/26bs/. We were very happy with the quality of both the end product and the service we received. Mark and Alison and their team are a pleasure to work with and our kitchen is a source of ongoing delight for us to use. It has been much admired by our friends when visiting!”
Highwood Furniture
Professionisti esperti in mobili bagno su misura a Forfar
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle2 dicembre 2019
“I asked for renovation of the surface of a dining table which had been treated badly, with resulting scratches, deep score marks, and unsightly white heat bloom under the surface. Various finishes were discussed, and without any pressure I took the advice that french polishing may not prove very durable, and we agreed on polyeurethane finish. The table was collected very promptly at the agreed time and date, along with its spare leaf, and the job finished within the agreed time, with the addition of one working day to allow for necessary drying of the finish. The result of removing the unsightly marks and damage, including minor repairs, is very satisfactory. I am pleased with the result. The negotiation was courteous. The care taken in removing my furniture and then returning it was very noticeable and encouraging. And it shows in the result, with a very reasonable price. Highly recommended for conscientious and professional work.”
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