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Aziende del settore fotovoltaico a Sarasota

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Sarasota / 50 km
112 di 12 professionisti
12 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Aziende del settore fotovoltaico a Sarasota

Mirasol Solar
Aziende del settore fotovoltaico a Sarasota
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle1 ottobre 2021
“Mirasol really came through for us! We had been thinking about solar for a long time. The cost of electricity kept increasing. While we were all spending more time at home with the air conditioning on non-stop, we finally decided to get estimates. We talked to 3 companies and chose Mirasol because they offered us the best solar solution using SunPower panels at the best price and great financing. We decided to get both home solar and a solar pool heating system. The company was great to work with. They kept us informed at every step. We are saving so much money on our power bills. Too bad it took us so long!”
Solar Direct
Aziende del settore fotovoltaico a Sarasota
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle20 luglio 2017
“very professional solar contractor, everything was done in time and in budget, after about 6 month we need a repair and it was done quickly under warranty top service”
Brilliant Harvest, LLC
Aziende del settore fotovoltaico a Sarasota
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle24 agosto 2016
“Brilliant Harvest worked with us to get 2 solar rebates, and explored a number of different configurations for us. They were on time, professional, and responsive. I have recommended them to a number of other friends. Could not have gone better.”
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