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Rivenditori di elettrodomestici a Mont-Saint-Grégoire

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Mont-Saint-Grégoire / 50 km
115 di 97 professionisti
97 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Rivenditori di elettrodomestici a Mont-Saint-Grégoire

Urban Bonfire
Rivenditori di elettrodomestici a Mont-Saint-Grégoire
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle15 luglio 2015
“Urban Bonfire has been wonderful to work with. They are amongst our most creative North American dealers when it comes to marketing and have hosted excellent live-cooking events. Having them in Montreal has certainly increased our sales and awareness in the area. Communicating with them is always extremely easy and they are very responsive. It’s been great developing our relationship with them and we look forward to working on more outdoor kitchens together in the future.”
Christophe Jarry
Rivenditori di elettrodomestici a Mont-Saint-Grégoire
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle25 agosto 2015
“Amazing service, amazing people :) We have used Chris for many of our appliance installations for our kitchens, and have highly recommended him to the contractors we work him. Always had positive feedback from everybody we introduced him to. Prompt service, very flexible in schedule and always accommodating! Looking forward to may more projects together :)”
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