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Disegnatori e progettisti edili Ancona, Marche

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Ancona / 50 km
115 di 22 professionisti
  • Designer Edoardo Cappelluti
    Designer Edoardo Cappelluti
    Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle1 Recensione
    60126 Ancona Ancona, Italia
  • Alberto Latini - Project Manager
    Alberto Latini - Project Manager
    Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle1 Recensione

    Sono un consulente e un progettista specializzato nell'assistenza di clienti italiani e stranieri in cerca di una...

    Leggi tutto
    Loc. San Paterniano, 13, 62011 Cingoli Macerata, Italia


    VIA TORRESI 11, 60128 ANCONA Ancona, Italia
  • tonuccidesign

    Tonuccidesign research and design for interior decoration and companies. Tonuccidesign operates in the field of...

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    61121 Pesaro Pesaro E Urbino, Italia
  • gabriele
    60129 60129 Ancona, Italia
  • Geom.
    61121 Pesaro (PU) Pesaro E Urbino, Italia
  • AlicE
    60020 Polverigi Ancona, Italia
  • Geom. Federica Biagetti
    60027 Osimo Ancona, Italia
  • morena polenti
    60100 ancona Ancona, Italia
  • Elena Duca
    via marini 5, 60125 ancona, Italia
  • Graziano Catozzo
    60027 osimo Ancona, Italia
    62012 civitanova marche Macerata, Italia
  • Studio Tecnico Geom. Emanuele Carestia

    Lo Studio Tecnico del Geom. Emanuele Carestia, a seguito di esperienze maturate nel campo delle Costruzioni Edili,...

    Leggi tutto
    Via Monte Bove, 1, 62019 Recanati Macerata, Italia
  • Studio Tecnico il Compasso
    Piazza Mazzini, 26, 62100 Macerata Macerata, Italia
    60036 Montecarotto Ancona, Italia
22 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Disegnatori e progettisti edili Ancona, Marche

Designer Edoardo Cappelluti
Disegnatori e progettisti edili Ancona, Marche
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 luglio 2016
“Per Babini Office ha sviluppato la linea Infinity Desk, area Exclusive. Questa scrivania direzionale, dalle curve sinuose ed eleganti, offre un design davvero unico ed accattivante.”
Alberto Latini - Project Manager
Disegnatori e progettisti edili Ancona, Marche
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle24 ottobre 2019
“We engaged Alberto Latini in May 2012 for realising our dream house in the Marche region in Italy. Building is a laborious and money consuming project. However, Alberto Latini guided us through the administrative local requirements, which would have been impossible for us to meet in such a short time period, between planning, organisation, and actual start of the construction of our house. Furthermore, he advised how to stay within our budget, sought for less expensive but equally quality alternatives, and executed the whole project exactly in time and planned as predicted. Every day we received photos of the progress of the work. It was a great relieve that the construction advanced quickly with surprising few technical problems, and unpleasant financial surprises. He knows good, local craftsmen and also helped us to overcome the cultural differences between us and the Italians. He helped to build a sustainable house, that is low in energy consumption and that has the possibility of being an independent house in terms of energy consumption. First, Alberto Latini helped to get and make the private road to our home. After pulling down the old ruin, he suggested to replace the house a few meters in order to make the best use of the terrain and place future buildings according to the building/construction laws. Thirdly, he selected some contractors to build the house to our requirements. He made detailed specifications that he explained to us. After choosing the contractor, he followed up the works and sent us daily photos of the ongoing work. After the construction, he helped to find a good material for the bathrooms and kitchens. He also assisted in dealing with the local authorities for taxes, building permits etc. Nowadays we are designing our garden and he helped to constructed an ecological swimming pond. When we are not in Italy, he helped to find some local people that take care of our house when we are away. Besides helping to build the house, he advices us on furniture shops, and all other things that makes a house into a home. He even suggested some beautiful, hidden spots and local activities so we can become integrated in the local community. We believe that Alberto Latini has the experience and expertise to meet everyone’s expectations. If we had to do this project all over again, we would definitely work with Alberto Latini again!”
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