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Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Point Clare

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Point Clare / 50 km
115 di 23 professionisti
23 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Point Clare

The Heater Man
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Point Clare
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle30 aprile 2024
“I recently had a hydronic heater systems installed by The Heater Man, The entire process from quote to completion was seamlessly. The team were considerate of my home and very clean. I want to make a special mention to Jack and Shane who make the entire process seamless . expecialy Jack very good for install heater systems, professional , responsibility and friendly , I'm sure who use him will be lucky, he's skill and experience come from England from his father..”
Unique Fire Pits
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Point Clare
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle28 febbraio 2021
“Received our tripod fire pit quickly. Although we had a bit of trouble at first assembling it Ricardo was very helpful & prompt responding to my requests for more instructions. We couldn’t be happier with it, love it!!”
Abbey Fireplaces
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Point Clare
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle20 novembre 2017
“I've read all the reviews and was really concerned. I had paid my deposit and they said delivery and installation in 2-3 weeks. After 2 weeks of not hearing anything I called asking when I could get it installed. That was a Thursday and they offered me the following Tuesday. Tuesday came and the team of 3 people showed up at 7:30am and started right away. They finished at 1pm. They did a fantastic job. Even modifying the fascia as it was a little too large on one side - no issues they just got the job done. Happy and would recommend no problem.”
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