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Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury

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Glastonbury / 50 km
115 di 23 professionisti
23 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury

Bespoke Fireplace Designs
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle11 giugno 2014
“We had a large location that needed a very bespoke double ended fireplace and I was getting really frustrated trying to find someone who would come and look at it. In frustration, I typed in Bespoke Fireplace into Google and they came up as the first result. The agent came around the next day and they designed and built the fireplace to our exact needs.”
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 maggio 2015
“I recently moved into a new house, and wanted to start straight away making it into a place of my own. I have heard good things from a close friend that used Lime Green previously, and decided to pop into their show room , And I must say I'm glad that I did. I was surprised at how many amazing looking fireplaces they had on show as I walked in, and was greeted by a very friendly and helpful young lady who was able to talk me through the process and show me what she thought I might like. I'm not the easiest client to arrange set dates, as I have to go away frequently for my work but found that they were easy to talk to and arrange alternatives. Overall I am extremely happy with my new home and delighful new fireplace.”
Pinckney green stoneworks
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle5 febbraio 2015
“Great Bath stone fireplace. Would highly recommend for quality and service. Delivered exactly what we wanted. Makes room come alive. Fantastic.”
The Fireplace Company
Rivenditori di caminetti e stufe a Glastonbury
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle19 marzo 2021
“After decades of owning and loving wood burning stoves, our decision 'to go gas' was not lightly taken. The Taunton Fireplace Company made it an easy and painless transition. James and Kirsty Watson offer expert advice tailored to your needs, a good range of products and an excellent installation service. After six weeks our new Gazco fire has proved a great choice for warmth, looks and operation. At first the hand-held remote control seemed like pampering , but as a senior citizens I vow that it beats messing around with kindling and matches and hauling logs. Thank you, TFC!”
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