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Fornitori di attrezzature per giardini ed esterni Placerville, CA

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Placerville / 50 km
115 di 30 professionisti
30 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Fornitori di attrezzature per giardini ed esterni Placerville, CA

The Artisan Greenhouse
Fornitori di attrezzature per giardini ed esterni Placerville, CA
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle7 marzo 2023
“Fantastic owner and was a pleasure to work with! Jean'na is fabulous and came to our home and looked at all of our outdoor plants/trees and gave us helpful advice. She will also come out this Spring to see how our current plants and trees are progressing. Highly recommend and her shop in Old Folsom is so cute and offers amazing classes. Carrie”
Green Acres Nursery & Supply
Fornitori di attrezzature per giardini ed esterni Placerville, CA
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle22 gennaio 2013
“I had to find a particular tree for a client. The staff at Green Acres did not have the particular plant in stock, but took the time to call around, locate it, and then have it transported to the Green acres nearest to my job site! Since that time if there is a doubt as to where to find just about any plant, and in almost any season, I call them.”
Xtreme Landscape
Fornitori di attrezzature per giardini ed esterni Placerville, CA
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle10 marzo 2017
“They landscaped my front and back yard last year and did an awesome job! I am so happy with the way it turned out!”
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