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Professionisti esperti in ampliamenti di case a Glensluan

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Glensluan / 50 km
115 di 19 professionisti
19 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professionisti esperti in ampliamenti di case a Glensluan

CHG Architecture Ltd.
Professionisti esperti in ampliamenti di case a Glensluan
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle10 febbraio 2020
“Excellent, knowledgeable, attentive and friendly yet professional team. Marcelo and Katie know their stuff and work hard to deliver for each and every client, big or small.”
Paterson Gordon Architecture
Professionisti esperti in ampliamenti di case a Glensluan
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle3 aprile 2019
“paterson gordon architecture was recommended to us by friends who were part way through their own project. The plans for that inspired us hire Elaine for our own project. Looking back on the whole experience we just would not have been able to achieve the amazing results we have without Elaine's vision and support. Firstly, with regard to design Elaine did what I guess all very good architects do which is to give you both what you want alongside what you didn't know you wanted (or could achieve) in the first place. We fell in love with the design almost immediately. Secondly, the generation of the specification and tender meant we got the look and feel we wanted but within the budget available. Thirdly, the selection of a contractor was part of the process I wasn't looking forward to but Elaine handled this process very professionally, meeting builders with us and supporting the final decision. Finally, and by no means least, was the project management side of the business. Elaine was on site regularly and dealt with any of the inevitable delays and (thankfully minor) issues with calmness and professionalism, this was greatly appreciated by us and our contractor. I would wholeheartedly recommend paterson gordon architecture to anyone looking for a contemporary, beautiful and practical extension - we could not be happier with the end result.”
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