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Professionisti esperti in ristrutturazione di seminterrati a Bargachhia

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Bargachhia / 50 km
115 di 49 professionisti
49 professionisti

Recensioni in evidenza per Professionisti esperti in ristrutturazione di seminterrati a Bargachhia

Professionisti esperti in ristrutturazione di seminterrati a Bargachhia
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle6 marzo 2022
“As of writing this, we have had an amazing experience. Both Sailangi and Diganta are keen observers of clients demands. While designing they kept in mind our budget constraints. We have got the first few design drafts of our house architecture and are pleased with them. The engagement so far has been nothing short of exceptional. Hope the completed project looks and feels as amazing as the designs under their supervision.”
Professionisti esperti in ristrutturazione di seminterrati a Bargachhia
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle23 gennaio 2022
“Professionalism & friendly attitude made him a brilliant Architect as well as unique. I am totally satisfied as I got him as my architect, he has cleared my every doubt, gave me so much time, treats me as his own brother. He is just a call away, You would not feel regret by choosing him to build your dream house. I am sharing some clicks of my house as it is not fully completed, still on the way.”
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