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Immagine di un grande angolo bar chic con ante grigie, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi in marmo, parquet scuro, pavimento marrone, top bianco e ante in stile shaker
Plain & Posh
Plain & Posh
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle108 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Western Springs Transitional

This large space did not function well for this family of 6. The cabinetry they had did not go to the ceiling and offered very poor storage options. The island that existed was tiny in comparrison to the space. By taking the cabinets to the ceiling, enlarging the island and adding large pantry's we were able to achieve the storage needed. Then the fun began, all of the decorative details that make this space so stunning. Beautiful tile for the backsplash and a custom metal hood. Lighting and hardware to complement the hood. Then, the vintage runner and natural wood elements to make the space feel more homey.
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