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Foto di una grande stanza da bagno padronale tradizionale con consolle stile comò, ante bianche, vasca freestanding, doccia doppia, piastrelle bianche, piastrelle di marmo, pareti bianche, pavimento in marmo, lavabo sottopiano, top in marmo, pavimento grigio, doccia aperta e top grigio
Amy Carman Design
Amy Carman Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle8 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Waterford Residence Master Suite Shower

When planning this custom residence, the owners had a clear vision – to create an inviting home for their family, with plenty of opportunities to entertain, play, and relax and unwind. They asked for an interior that was approachable and rugged, with an aesthetic that would stand the test of time. Amy Carman Design was tasked with designing all of the millwork, custom cabinetry and interior architecture throughout, including a private theater, lower level bar, game room and a sport court. A materials palette of reclaimed barn wood, gray-washed oak, natural stone, black windows, handmade and vintage-inspired tile, and a mix of white and stained woodwork help set the stage for the furnishings. This down-to-earth vibe carries through to every piece of furniture, artwork, light fixture and textile in the home, creating an overall sense of warmth and authenticity.
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