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Cummings Architecture + Interiors
Cummings Architecture + Interiors
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle40 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Twin Hills Farm Community

Set on ten acres abutting protected conservation land, the zoning for this site allowed for a creative multi-unit residential project. The design concept created a sustainable modern farm community of three distinct structures. A sense of individuality is established between the buildings, while a comprehensive site design references historic farms with a home-like, residential scale. An existing structure was renovated to house three condo units, featuring sliding barn doors and floor-to-ceiling storefront glass in the great room, with 25’ ceilings. Across a circular cobblestone drive, a new house and barn structure houses two condo units. Connecting both units, a garage references a carriage house and barn with small square windows above and large bays at ground level to mimic barn bays. There is no parking lot for the site – instead garages and a few individual parking spaces preserve the scale of a natural farm property. Patios and yards in the rear of each unit offer private access to the lush natural surroundings and space for entertaining.

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Elaine Vote lo ha aggiunto a Kitchen Remodel27 luglio 2022

Subway tile in brick pattern with herringbone just above the burners; pendants above island

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