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Immagine di un'ampia cucina contemporanea con lavello stile country, ante a filo, ante blu, top in quarzite, paraspruzzi multicolore, paraspruzzi in mattoni, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in terracotta, pavimento beige e top bianco
Handmade Kitchen Co
Handmade Kitchen Co
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Truly Bespoke Handmade Kitchen in Hutton

This beautiful in-frame classic shaker kitchen features a cock beaded front frame, a deep blue hand painted finish, oak veneered carcasses, solid oak drawer boxes and many other features. The exposed brick is a stunning backdrop while the white quartz offers a standout surface. The kitchen has a 100mm in-line plinth which has allowed for an additional 50mm length to each door which is a unique and truly bespoke design feature. There is a walk-in pantry to the right of the fridge/freezer which is neatly hidden behind a translucent glass door – this offers extended worksurface and storage, plus a great place to hide the microwave and toaster. The island is joined to a sawn oak breakfast bar/dining table which is something unique and includes storage below. We supplied and installed some high-end details such as the Wolf Built-in oven, Induction hob and downdraft extractor, plus a double butler sink from Shaw's and a Perrin & Rowe tap. The taps include an instant boiling water tap and a pull-out rinse. springer digital

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Candus Suppelsa lo ha aggiunto a Kitchen Remodel16 novembre 2023

possible pantry on top of counter?

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