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Immagine di un grande soggiorno chic chiuso con sala formale, pareti bianche, parquet chiaro, camino classico, cornice del camino in pietra, nessuna TV e pavimento marrone
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Transitional Family Sanctuary

The goal of this extensive remodel was to bring a home that was distinctly 80s into the present. Our clients were an active family with three rambunctious, growing boys. Durability and practicality were high priorities. The homeowners wanted to create a space where both adults and children were at home, and that included feminine touches for Mom. We knew they’d need storage and space to play, so we transformed the formal dining room into a dedicated playroom with plenty of built-ins for toys, puzzles, books, and board games. We took two impractical spaces and removed the center wall, creating a bunk room that feels fort-like and imaginative. For the parents, we created a haven in their primary suite with a proper sitting area surrounding a fireplace as well as a shower/bath wet room. New front doors and window treatments were installed to enhance the natural light and complement the much-improved aesthetic.

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