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Ispirazione per una piscina chic rettangolare di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con paesaggistica bordo piscina e pavimentazioni in cemento
CLC Landscape Design
CLC Landscape Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle59 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Tranquility - Towaco, NJ

The client wanted to transform the backyard into a space that would be perfect for relaxing or for entertaining friends and family. On the wishlist were a pool, an outdoor living space, and an outdoor kitchen. The design started by locating the vinyl liner, rectangular swimming pool (with auto cover) in the optimal location. From there, we designed an outdoor kitchen with a pizza oven off the back of the house. Nearby, we included a cabana with bar seating, a TV, and a bathroom. All of this is on a Nicolock Alpine Ridge Granite City blend paver patio. To work with the existing slope of the property, we designed and installed a raised patio on one side of the pool; the perfect spot for lounging poolside. Lush plantings were installed to create multi-seasonal interest throughout the backyard and pool area.
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