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Immagine di una cucina chic di medie dimensioni con lavello sottopiano, ante in stile shaker, ante verdi, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi in marmo, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in legno massello medio, pavimento marrone e top bianco
Haven Design and Construction
Haven Design and Construction
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle18 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Stone Oak Whole House Remodel

The goal for our emerald and white kitchen design was to create a bold and functional kitchen for our sophisticated clients. They desired a more practical kitchen layout and a splash of color. Previously, the cooktop was located in the small center island with a very limited prep area on each side. In addition, there was not a focal point and the unsightly refrigerator was on the main focal wall. The designer completely reconfigured the space by placing the range on the main kitchen wall, topped with a showstopping new emerald kitchen hood as the focal point. A new built-in refrigerator was relocated to the opposite wall and a functional veggie sink was added in the center island. The clients requested a color palette that was anything but neutral, so the designer delivered with a bold green and white design to meet their request. Gold accents add additional sophisticated detailing. Bursts of green were incorporated throughout the space in the barstools, the kitchen island and in the custom breakfast area artwork commissioned especially for this project.
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