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Foto di un piccolo giardino classico davanti casa
Just in Thyme Landscape Design
Just in Thyme Landscape Design
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle17 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Small Changes, Big impact in Cupertino

A retired client wanted to jazz up the entrance to her home but leave the orchard, veggie beds and hardscape the way it was. Since she does all the maintenance herself, I wanted to make sure she wouldn't have too many weeds so we used the winter months to sheet mulch the area, killing the massive amount of existing weeds & enriching the hard soil. This worked beautifully. We added a flagstone pathway with Dymondia between the stones and a small area for her new bench to sit and enjoy the garden. She didn't want plants under her messy tree, so we decorated that area with pots. She has a huge deer & gopher problem which is why she hangs the white ribbons to scare away the deer from her fruit trees.

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kathykist lo ha aggiunto a Garden6 maggio 2024

Mondo/grass between pavers

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