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Immagine di un'ampia stanza da bagno padronale chic con ante con riquadro incassato, ante bianche, vasca freestanding, doccia alcova, piastrelle bianche, piastrelle di marmo, pareti blu, pavimento in marmo, lavabo sottopiano, top in marmo, pavimento bianco, doccia aperta, top bianco, toilette, due lavabi, mobile bagno incassato e soffitto ribassato
Crystal Kitchen + Bath
Crystal Kitchen + Bath
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle93 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Serene & Luxurious Primary Bathroom

These homeowners wanted to update their 1990’s bathroom with a statement tub to retreat and relax. The primary bathroom was outdated and needed a facelift. The homeowner’s wanted to elevate all the finishes and fixtures to create a luxurious feeling space. From the expanded vanity with wall sconces on each side of the gracefully curved mirrors to the plumbing fixtures that are minimalistic in style with their fluid lines, this bathroom is one you want to spend time in. Adding a sculptural free-standing tub with soft curves and elegant proportions further elevated the design of the bathroom. Heated floors make the space feel elevated, warm, and cozy. White Carrara tile is used throughout the bathroom in different tile size and organic shapes to add interest. A tray ceiling with crown moulding and a stunning chandelier with crystal beads illuminates the room and adds sparkle to the space. Natural materials, colors and textures make this a Master Bathroom that you would want to spend time in.

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Sue Fortier lo ha aggiunto a Hampton House28 febbraio 2024

Tile design on floor

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