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Immagine di una cucina stile marino di medie dimensioni con ante lisce, ante grigie, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in ceramica, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in cemento, pavimento marrone, lavello sottopiano e paraspruzzi beige
Alinda Morris Interior Design LLC
Alinda Morris Interior Design LLC
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle31 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Raft Island Kitchen

Raft Island Kitchen Redesign & Remodel Project Overview Located in the beautiful Puget Sound this project began with functionality in mind. The original kitchen was built custom for a very tall person, The custom countertops were not functional for the busy family that purchased the home. The new design has clean lines with elements of nature . The custom oak cabinets were locally made. The stain is a custom blend. The reclaimed island was made from local material. ..the floating shelves and beams are also reclaimed lumber. The island counter top and hood is NEOLITH in Iron Copper , a durable porcelain counter top material The counter tops along the perimeter of the kitchen is Lapitec. The design is original, textured, inviting, brave & complimentary. ​Photos by Julie Mannell Photography

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Chuck Varela lo ha aggiunto a Master Bathroom6 agosto 2024

the type of size of movable island

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