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Esempio di una stanza da bagno design con lavabo a bacinella
John Senhauser Architects
John Senhauser Architects
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Pima Canyon Residence Interiors

Our client initially asked us to assist with selecting materials and designing a guest bath for their new Tucson home. Our scope of work progressively expanded into interior architecture and detailing, including the kitchen, baths, fireplaces, stair, custom millwork, doors, guardrails, and lighting for the residence – essentially everything except the furniture. The home is loosely defined by a series of thick, parallel walls supporting planar roof elements floating above the desert floor. Our approach was to not only reinforce the general intentions of the architecture but to more clearly articulate its meaning. We began by adopting a limited palette of desert neutrals, providing continuity to the uniquely differentiated spaces. Much of the detailing shares a common vocabulary, while numerous objects (such as the elements of the master bath – each operating on their own terms) coalesce comfortably in the rich compositional language. Photo Credit: William Lesch
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