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Idee per una sala lavanderia contemporanea di medie dimensioni con lavello sottopiano, ante lisce, ante bianche, top in granito, paraspruzzi grigio, paraspruzzi con piastrelle a mosaico, pareti bianche, pavimento in gres porcellanato, lavasciuga, pavimento grigio e top bianco
Distinct Innovations Pty Ltd
Distinct Innovations Pty Ltd
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle10 RecensioniGuarda il profilo


Built on the beautiful Nepean River in Penrith overlooking the Blue Mountains. Capturing the water and mountain views were imperative as well as achieving a design that catered for the hot summers and cold winters in Western Sydney. Before we could embark on design, pre-lodgement meetings were held with the head of planning to discuss all the environmental constraints surrounding the property. The biggest issue was potential flooding. Engineering flood reports were prepared prior to designing so we could design the correct floor levels to avoid the property from future flood waters. The design was created to capture as much of the winter sun as possible and blocking majority of the summer sun. This is an entertainer's home, with large easy flowing living spaces to provide the occupants with a certain casualness about the space but when you look in detail you will see the sophistication and quality finishes the owner was wanting to achieve. ​

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Utente-437460420 lo ha aggiunto a My ideas19 luglio 2024

Raised washing machines

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