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Idee per una cucina moderna
Mayflower Construction Group
Mayflower Construction Group
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle79 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Monochromatic Modern Kitchen Remodeling

We transformed this outdated 1970's style apartment kitchen into a modern space for the best kitchen experiences! Aside from the outdated materials that were in place for this kitchen, we also added onto the layout with added counter and cabinet space to ensure that the client had all the space needed for their kitchenware. The new high-quality materials used for this project enhance the user experience. The countertops are now sleek white quartz with non-scratch and non-stain capabilities. From a design point, we are obsessed with the upgraded herringbone tile backsplash which we believe adds character and class to the kitchen. The color choice used brings the entire space together, keeping the entire layout on a grey scale. Check out the timelapse video on our channel! You can view more of our project videos there too! Link: https://youtu.be/6TzuUQgTjb4
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