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Macral Design Corp
Macral Design Corp
Valutazione media: 4.5 di 5 stelle22 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Macral Design. BioVital® resting system

Biovital adjustable bed base All sizes available. Custom sizes also available. BioVital® sprung base is composed by beech wood slats vaporised and laminated to give more sturdiness and consistency; it’s personalised no matter weight or size, they are custom made, following a perfect distribution and configuration to get the most anatomical and proper position of your backbone. The possibility of adjust the head and feet height adds much more conformability. •Height spine slats can be adjusted to get the proper posture in this area. •Natural rubber tree wood slants pieces on spine zone allows the sprung base adapt to user´s weight. •Legs and shoulders have supporting slants to get a better fit in. •Tired legs and blood circulation improve standing up feet side. Also helps varicose veins. Wood is perfect ionizer, so to keep this property, natural varnish employed doesn´t obstruct wood pores. Varnish process is handmade and dries naturally without accelerating products, just traditional way. All these make BioVital® resting system the perfect base to rest.
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