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Idee per un soggiorno classico
Polhemus Savery DaSilva
Polhemus Savery DaSilva
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle12 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Living Room with High Ceiling - Cotchpinicut Cape - Cape Cod, MA - Custom Home

An existing Cape built in the 1980s was transformed through the addition of a wraparound front porch with robust but traditional columns, expanded second floor dormers, a new deck and screened-in porch facing the backyard, an expanded and open kitchen/breakfast/family room, a new mud room/laundry room/powder room suite, and a new bedroom suite in what had previously been attic space. The underlying Cape form still remains but is now expanded to have character, scale and presence befitting its rural seaside neighborhood of mostly large and elegant homes. PSD Scope Of Work: Architecture, Construction | Living Space: 3,197ft² | Photography: Brian Vanden Brink |

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kevinhoyle lo ha aggiunto a kevinhoyle's ideas24 maggio 2023

Primary bedroom

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