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Esempio di una cucina american style con top in marmo e elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile
First Lamp
First Lamp
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle14 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Kirkland Residence Kitchen

This 4,500 square foot house faces eastward across Lake Washington from Kirkland toward the Seattle skyline. The clients have an appreciation for the Foursquare style found in many of the historic homes in the area, and designing a home that fit this vocabulary while also conforming to the zoning height limits was the primary challenge. The plan includes a music room, study, craft room, breakfast nook, and 5 bedrooms, all of which pinwheel off of a centrally located stair. Skylights in the center of the house flood the home with natural light from the ceiling through an opening in the second floor down to the main level.
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