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Immagine di una piccola camera da letto boho chic
Designer's Touch
Designer's Touch
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle26 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Historical House in Cambridge

In this project. All the pre-existing woodwork (doors, trims, baseboards and bookcases) were taken down carefully and reassembled in order to maintain the old Cambridge house beauty. The owners did not like the idea of a TV dominating a space; of it being a focal point in a living room. So therefore we designed the sliding panel which displays one of their special paintings when the TV is not use. In an open concept living space, one challenge is creating a sense of separate rooms with different functions but with an overall “feel” of it being one. I believe we achieved that. The gold tones dining room chandelier and the teal wallpaper in the dining room, which is such a rich, inviting color, distinguishes that room from the kitchen but complements it, and then the teal chairs in the living room carry that color theme there.
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