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Foto di garage e rimesse design
Dory Azar Architect Inc.
Dory Azar Architect Inc.
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle7 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Highway Pole Barn

Designed to be a relative to their “cool, red, carriage house” [which is yet to be built], this building is a contemporary take on a traditional building typology. The design of the project could be considered shy or introverted, as its dark and subdued elevation faces the busy highway, while the bright and tall elevation reaches out to their acres of property. The stepped window heights are designed specifically for the spaces within, while the shed roof and site orientation are primed for future solar panel installation. The VERY pleased owners tell us it has gotten some very interesting feedback. “Lots of people love it and lots of people hate it. And we wouldn’t have it any other way.” Photography by: Devon Pastorius www.devonpastorius.com
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