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210 Foto di scale shabby-chic style con parapetto in legno

Team ShaneTeam Shane
We added custom storage and a desk area under these stairs to optimize usable space for our client.
Esempio di una piccola scala a rampa dritta stile shabby con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
Wood House
Wood House
Jon Stuefloten Restoration PaintingJon Stuefloten Restoration Painting
Esempio di una scala a rampa dritta shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, nessuna alzata e parapetto in legno
29_Beautiful Oak & White Staircase in Inviting and Quaint Home, Arlington VA 222
29_Beautiful Oak & White Staircase in Inviting and Quaint Home, Arlington VA 222
Century Stair CompanyCentury Stair Company
This particular straight staircase is full or architectural details; properly spaced square balusters and simple/elegant square newels make a dramatic impact in this completely four-levels-renovated home in the heart of Arlington. Oak treads and handrails match the gorgeous hardwood floors, and the white vertical balusters not only match the lovely trim throughout, but also amplify the look of the space.CSC 1976-2020 © Century Stair Company ® All rights reserved.
Brussels - D
Brussels - D
Smet StaircasesSmet Staircases
Idee per una scala a "U" shabby-chic style con pedata in legno verniciato, alzata in legno verniciato e parapetto in legno
Dove Canyon Home
Dove Canyon Home
MAC Flooring & InteriorsMAC Flooring & Interiors
Idee per una grande scala a rampa dritta stile shabby con pedata in legno, alzata in legno verniciato e parapetto in legno
Reinisch modernisiertReinisch modernisiert
Das echte Vintage Geländer wurde nur mit der Ziehklinge bearbeitet und hat durch verschiedene Lackschichten einen besonderen Charme. Die Renovierungsstufe im Dekor Eiche Vintage passt perfekt dazu. Ich bin verliebt!
ダークブラウンの家 福岡県
ダークブラウンの家 福岡県
㈱清武建設 1級建築士事務所㈱清武建設 1級建築士事務所
【福岡市 ㈱ 清 武 建 設 一級建築士事務所 設計施工】 ◆中二階(広い階段踊場)に足が入るカウンターがあります。
Esempio di una scala a "U" shabby-chic style con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
161 Photographic161 Photographic
Steve Hall
Esempio di una scala shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
Hardwood Flooring
Hardwood Flooring
Oceanside Abbey CarpetOceanside Abbey Carpet
Ispirazione per una scala a rampa dritta shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, alzata in legno verniciato e parapetto in legno
Chicago Second Floor Addition & Renovation
Chicago Second Floor Addition & Renovation
Leader BuildersLeader Builders
Esempio di una scala a rampa dritta shabby-chic style con pedata in legno, alzata in legno verniciato e parapetto in legno
53_Old Fashioned Charm and Modern Chic Staircases, McLean VA 22101
53_Old Fashioned Charm and Modern Chic Staircases, McLean VA 22101
Century Stair CompanyCentury Stair Company
We had the opportunity to help create, lay out, cut and install several beautifully architecturally designed oak staircases for this thoughtfully planned new home. Gleaming oak treads, stunning wooden newels, and floating/sophisticated white oak handrail systems, help define the seamless blend of the strong farmhouse home’s character with the amenity-rich modern living spaces throughout the home. CSC © 1976-2020 Century Stair Company. All rights reserved.
Wood House
Wood House
Jon Stuefloten Restoration PaintingJon Stuefloten Restoration Painting
Idee per una scala a rampa dritta shabby-chic style di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, nessuna alzata e parapetto in legno
Newport VT Lake Residence
Newport VT Lake Residence
Stina Booth PhotographerStina Booth Photographer
Stina Booth
Idee per una scala a "L" stile shabby di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
ダークブラウンの家 福岡県
ダークブラウンの家 福岡県
㈱清武建設 1級建築士事務所㈱清武建設 1級建築士事務所
【福岡市 ㈱ 清 武 建 設 一級建築士事務所 設計施工】 ◆広い踊り場(中二階)からLDKを望む。
Esempio di una scala stile shabby con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
階段手摺にやさしく光が差込む -Afternoon-
階段手摺にやさしく光が差込む -Afternoon-
Immagine di una grande scala a rampa dritta stile shabby con pedata in legno, alzata in legno, parapetto in legno e carta da parati
深谷 千恵子 (株式会社インパクトデザインプラス)深谷 千恵子 (株式会社インパクトデザインプラス)
階段も海外風に演出。 お客様のご要望でアンティークのステンドグラスを 埋め込みました。 アイアン調の照明がホワイトに良いアクセントとなっています。
Esempio di una scala a "U" stile shabby con pedata in legno, alzata in legno, parapetto in legno e carta da parati
29_Beautiful Oak & White Staircase in Inviting and Quaint Home, Arlington VA 222
29_Beautiful Oak & White Staircase in Inviting and Quaint Home, Arlington VA 222
Century Stair CompanyCentury Stair Company
This particular straight staircase is full or architectural details; properly spaced square balusters and simple/elegant square newels make a dramatic impact in this completely four-levels-renovated home in the heart of Arlington. Oak treads and handrails match the gorgeous hardwood floors, and the white vertical balusters not only match the lovely trim throughout, but also amplify the look of the space.CSC 1976-2020 © Century Stair Company ® All rights reserved.
Justin and Karah's Residence
Justin and Karah's Residence
Newport HomebuildersNewport Homebuilders
James Wilson
Ispirazione per una scala curva stile shabby di medie dimensioni con pedata in legno, alzata in legno e parapetto in legno
Fritz Möbelwerkstätte GbR, SchreinereiFritz Möbelwerkstätte GbR, Schreinerei
Sanierung und Instandsetzung einer Holztreppe aus den 50iger Jahren. Hierzu wurde der alte Anstrich komplett abgeschliffen. Trittflächen und den Handlauf haben wir geölt und gewascht. Die Treppenwangen, Sprossen und die Stellbretter haben wir mit unserem Treppenlack auf Wasserbasis lackiert.
マンションアンティークリノベーション A様邸
マンションアンティークリノベーション A様邸
株式会社 うーの家株式会社 うーの家
Immagine di una piccola scala a "L" shabby-chic style con pedata in legno e parapetto in legno

210 Foto di scale shabby-chic style con parapetto in legno

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