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Ispirazione per una grande cucina country con lavello sottopiano, ante in stile shaker, ante bianche e elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile
Reico Kitchen & Bath
Reico Kitchen & Bath
Valutazione media: 4.5 di 5 stelle97 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Farmhouse Kitchen Design Greenville, NC

Gregg Waller of Reico Kitchen and Bath in Wilmington, NC collaborated with JC Hazelton Builders to design a farmhouse inspired kitchen featuring Green Forest and Masterpiece cabinetry. The kitchen features Green Forest cabinets in the Park Place door style with a White finish for the perimeter, complemented with an island in the Masterpiece door style Turner in Maple with a Shortbread finish. Appliances and countertops were provided by others. The client expressed their appreciation saying, “I literally love every aspect of our kitchen. It is exactly what we wanted. We did not have to sacrifice our vision which was a welcome experience. Gregg was so helpful in hearing what we wanted and then delivering. His knowledge about the products available really helped us achieve our design goals. He created digital examples of our kitchen, laundry and bathrooms which helped us in making our final decision.” “The biggest challenge that I faced was creating the look the client wanted in their new home while staying within a budget that was set prior to our introduction. I decided that Green Forest Park Place cabinets would be the best choice for the majority of the project. Masterpiece cabinets were needed to get the exact color that the client wanted for the kitchen island,” explained Gregg. “My favorite part of the design is the range wall. I like the way the warm wood tones of the hood balance the white shaker cabinets and brick backsplash. The clients were an absolute pleasure to work with. The excellent communication that I received from the client throughout definitely helped in the successful completion of the project!” Photos courtesy of ShowSpaces Photography.

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