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Idee per un'ampia cameretta per bambini da 4 a 10 anni contemporanea con pareti nere, parquet scuro e pavimento marrone
Interiors by Popov
Interiors by Popov
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle54 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Family Headquarters Play Room

Having two young boys presents its own challenges, and when you have two of their best friends constantly visiting, you end up with four super active action heroes. This family wanted to dedicate a space for the boys to hangout. We took an ordinary basement and converted it into a playground heaven. A basketball hoop, climbing ropes, swinging chairs, rock climbing wall, and climbing bars, provide ample opportunity for the boys to let their energy out, and the built-in window seat is the perfect spot to catch a break. Tall built-in wardrobes and drawers beneath the window seat to provide plenty of storage for all the toys. You can guess where all the neighborhood kids come to hangout now ☺

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oramazuz lo ha aggiunto a new house renavation4 aprile 2024

colors and floring

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