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Immagine di un grande soggiorno minimal aperto con pareti bianche, TV a parete e pavimento in cemento
Dawson & Clinton
Dawson & Clinton
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle1 RecensioneGuarda il profilo

Everett Street Residence

The design for this home in Palo Alto looked to create a union between the interior and exterior, blending the spaces in such a way as to allow residents to move seamlessly between the two environments. Expansive glazing was used throughout the home to complement this union, looking out onto a swimming pool centrally located within the courtyard. Within the living room, a large operable skylight brings in plentiful sunlight, while utilizing self tinting glass that adjusts to various lighting conditions throughout the day to ensure optimal comfort. For the exterior, a living wall was added to the garage that continues into the backyard. Extensive landscaping and a gabion wall was also created to provide privacy and contribute to the sense of the home as a tranquil oasis.
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