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Ispirazione per un piccolo soggiorno minimal con pareti bianche e parquet chiaro
Studio Esar
Studio Esar
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East Melbourne

Our East Melbourne Apartment is a reflection of modern femininity. A palette of cream, green, pinks and brown feature through the selection of furniture, object, art and decor and there’s a contemporary warmth to this apartment that sees the delicate pairing of colours with textures. A striking Katrina McKeon painting commissioned for the living room hangs against the soft white walls, and the crisp linen sheers echo the soft ambience of the room. In the Master Bedroom, a fully upholstered bed and custom bedside tables in a striking viola marble work harmoniously. Whilst a wall sculpture and oversized table lamps finish this room where pinks, dark charcoal and cream colours are at play. Surrounded by maple trees, the mood created in this apartment is evocative and one that compliments its inner city location.
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