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Idee per una terrazza design
Atlanta Porch & Patio
Atlanta Porch & Patio
Valutazione media: 4.7 di 5 stelle45 RecensioniGuarda il profilo


At Atlanta Porch & Patio we are dedicated to building beautiful custom porches, decks, and outdoor living spaces throughout the metro Atlanta area. Our mission is to turn our clients’ ideas, dreams, and visions into personalized, tangible outcomes. Clients of Atlanta Porch & Patio rest easy knowing each step of their project is performed to the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and dependability. Our team of builders and craftsmen are licensed, insured, and always up to date on trends, products, designs, and building codes. We are constantly educating ourselves in order to provide our clients the best services at the best prices. We deliver the ultimate professional experience with every step of our projects. After setting up a consultation through our website or by calling the office, we will meet with you in your home to discuss all of your ideas and concerns. After our initial meeting and site consultation, we will compile a detailed design plan and quote complete with renderings and a full listing of the materials to be used. Upon your approval, we will then draw up the necessary paperwork and decide on a project start date. From demo to cleanup, we strive to deliver your ultimate relaxation destination on time and on budget.
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