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Ispirazione per una grande cucina country con lavello stile country, ante con riquadro incassato, ante bianche, top in marmo, paraspruzzi bianco, paraspruzzi in marmo, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, parquet scuro, pavimento marrone e top bianco
Aloha Kitchen, Bath & Design
Aloha Kitchen, Bath & Design
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle7 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Danville Casual Elegance (Great Room)

Complete transformation. This kitchen was once dark and closed off from the family room splitting the room in half. We were able to hide supports, vents and plumbing pipes from upstairs in the new walls for the pantry then tucking the refrigerator next to the pantry so that the pantry didn't appear to stick out also keeping the natural flow of the hallway into the space. In the end the room is open and inviting and looks like it was always designed this way. The finishes are bright and luxurious. The calacatta gold marble slabs are the showstopper of this space. (Photo credit; Shawn Lober Construction)
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