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Idee per garage e rimesse minimal
Clement Windows Group Ltd
Clement Windows Group Ltd
Valutazione media: 4.8 di 5 stelle57 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Contemporary outdoor living space looks incredible with new steel doors

Our client, One 17 Design, acted as Architects, Interior Designers and Project Managers for this superb project with involvement from inception through to completion. Their brief was to create a home office / garden room in the grounds of an existing detached home, which was done by extending the detached garage. The material palette for the garden room predominately featured oak and steel. Blackened oak cabinetry and steel fenestration provide a striking contrast against the natural oak frame and cladding. Clever detailing in the relationship between the oak frame and steel doors adds a contemporary twist. The bricks for the outside of the building were selected to match the brickwork of the existing bungalow. Bespoke Clement steel windows and doors from the W20 range were chosen for the project, including an interior door, fitted with reeded glass that leads to the bathroom. All handles were powder coated black to match the steel frames. The project won “Best amazing space” at the 2022 Northern Design Awards. Freddie Garside, Partner and Director at One 17 Design, said: “We and our client were delighted with the finished doors and screens. The narrow framed black steel doors complement the natural oak frame perfectly. Clement were very professional, efficient and responsive throughout the whole project.” Photography: Joe Cotterill

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