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Ispirazione per un soggiorno chic di medie dimensioni e aperto con pareti grigie, pavimento in legno massello medio, camino bifacciale, cornice del camino in pietra, TV a parete e pavimento marrone
Amazing Spaces
Amazing Spaces
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Colorful & Cozy in Chappaqua NY

This project incorporated the main floor of the home. The existing kitchen was narrow and dated, and closed off from the rest of the common spaces. The client’s wish list included opening up the space to combine the dining room and kitchen, create a more functional entry foyer, and update the dark sunporch to be more inviting. The concept resulted in swapping the kitchen and dining area, creating a perfect flow from the entry through to the sunporch. A double-sided stone-clad fireplace divides the great room and sunporch, highlighting the new vaulted ceiling. The old wood paneling on the walls was removed and reclaimed wood beams were added to the ceiling. The single door to the patio was replaced with a double door. New furniture and accessories in shades of blue and gray is at home in this bright and airy family room.

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valned lo ha aggiunto a Kinderhook Ranch13 settembre 2024

beams, windows, fireplace

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