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Interiors by Mary Susan
Interiors by Mary Susan
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Botanical Inspired Library

The inspiration: As I glanced out the window from this ninety five year old room I was struck by the beautiful greens and flowers. That, coupled with the fact that the original owners of this lovely mansion had green houses on the property, led me to my design concept. I imagined living here and surrounding myself with plant life and items that were one of a kind….. nothing mass produced….but custom pieces that would allow me to bring uniqueness to the room. The story: Imagine yourself returning from work and sipping on an iced liquor while you put your feet up on one of the raffia wrapped chairs with custom knitted and hand felted fabrics. George Winston “Plains” is filling the air along with the scent of some of your favorite foliage and flowers. The tranquil setting may inspire you to write at the bench made custom designed desk with recycled leather tile inserts when you glance up to see the illuminated hand beaded glass botanicals along with the hand painted frieze which gently embraces the room. Colors of claret, curry, black and grey are paired with clean lined furniture to give this old room a new edge.
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