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Bordi Prato american style - Foto e idee

Southwest Swale Way - Front Entry Landscaping
Southwest Swale Way - Front Entry Landscaping
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
The existing excavated limestone boulders were strategically repositioned to not only serve as functional components but also as visually striking features to the modified design of the dry creek pathways and planted areas. The trees are viewed as an opportunity to utilize dark Whittlesey mulch to provide contrast, water retention, and tie in to other defined beds and oak clusters on the property. The front walk is comprised of sawn limestone pavers surrounded by crushed limestone rock mulch and accented by river rock dry creek bed that follows through to the backyard. The pavers lead down to a poured-in-place concrete path that grants access to outdoor utilities and matches the driveway seamlessly.
Kin Zone
Kin Zone
Denomy DesignsDenomy Designs
Immagine di un giardino stile americano di medie dimensioni e dietro casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
A Classical Family Garden in Hampstead
A Classical Family Garden in Hampstead
Hampstead Garden DesignHampstead Garden Design
Our client in Hampstead Garden Suburb, north London, commissioned us to design a garden which creates spaces for entertaining, combined with plenty of space for play. The design and materials used for the garden complement the architecture of the house, situated in a beautiful conservation area, whilst also meeting the needs of a modern family. The planting scheme is designed to be pretty, whilst also including evergreen structure to create interest throughout the year.
Construction d'un studio en bois
Construction d'un studio en bois
Créateurs d'IntérieurCréateurs d'Intérieur
Entrée d'une maison en bois
Ispirazione per un grande bordo prato stile americano esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in estate
Craftsman Manor Resurrection
Craftsman Manor Resurrection
Board & VellumBoard & Vellum
Photograph by Meghan Montgomery.
Foto di un grande giardino stile americano davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Cottage in Nofei Aviv on HaHavatzelet Street
Cottage in Nofei Aviv on HaHavatzelet Street
Josh Epstein RealtyJosh Epstein Realty
Esempio di un bordo prato american style davanti casa
Potomac Landscape Project
Potomac Landscape Project
Boss Landscape DesignBoss Landscape Design
Esempio di un grande giardino stile americano esposto in pieno sole dietro casa in estate
Esempio di un piccolo giardino stile americano esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Royal Oak Residence
Royal Oak Residence
Superior ScapeSuperior Scape
Tidy garden bed lines enhance the charm.
Idee per un bordo prato stile americano nel cortile laterale
Whole Home Transformation
Whole Home Transformation
Burkhart Outdoors, Inc.Burkhart Outdoors, Inc.
Immagine di un grande giardino american style esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa in estate con pavimentazioni in pietra naturale
Moore Landscape less Dirt
Moore Landscape less Dirt
AU Squared Home ImprovementAU Squared Home Improvement
This transformation began with several concepts in mind. Although this project is under continuous phased development, each completed section is closer to the owner's vision of backyard living and property improvements.
Southwest Swale Way - Curb Appeal After
Southwest Swale Way - Curb Appeal After
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
At Native Edge, we thrive on designing landscapes that not only enhance the beauty of a property but also address practical challenges. Southwest Swale Way was a project that focused on intelligent drainage solutions while celebrating the natural element of rainfall.
Cottage in Nofei Aviv on HaHavatzelet Street
Cottage in Nofei Aviv on HaHavatzelet Street
Josh Epstein RealtyJosh Epstein Realty
Foto di un bordo prato american style davanti casa
Christmas lights
Christmas lights
Immagine di un giardino stile americano esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e sul tetto in autunno
Modern Craftsman | Los Gatos | Edmund
Modern Craftsman | Los Gatos | Edmund
Brad Cox, Architect, Inc.Brad Cox, Architect, Inc.
An expansive lawn is surrounded by trees and other plantings.
Esempio di un grande bordo prato american style esposto in pieno sole dietro casa con recinzione in legno
Southwest Swale Way - Front Yard
Southwest Swale Way - Front Yard
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
The existing excavated limestone boulders were strategically repositioned to not only serve as functional components but also as visually striking features to the modified design of the dry creek pathways and planted areas. The trees are viewed as an opportunity to utilize dark Whittlesey mulch to provide contrast, water retention, and tie in to other defined beds and oak clusters on the property. The front walk is comprised of sawn limestone pavers surrounded by crushed limestone rock mulch and accented by river rock dry creek bed that follows through to the backyard. The pavers lead down to a poured-in-place concrete path that grants access to outdoor utilities and matches the driveway seamlessly.
Mid-Century Ranch Makeover
Mid-Century Ranch Makeover
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
Detail shot of front yard
Idee per un giardino american style esposto in pieno sole di medie dimensioni e davanti casa in estate con sassi di fiume e recinzione in metallo
Southwest Contemporary Desert Oasis
Southwest Contemporary Desert Oasis
Denomy DesignsDenomy Designs
Immagine di un piccolo giardino stile americano esposto a mezz'ombra dietro casa con pavimentazioni in cemento e recinzione in metallo
Esempio di un piccolo giardino stile americano esposto a mezz'ombra davanti casa con pavimentazioni in cemento
Southwest Swale Way - Driveway Bed After
Southwest Swale Way - Driveway Bed After
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
The existing utility bed was reshaped and replanted with native and adaptive plants that will grow to hide the fixtures without impeding access. It has been accented with one of the many limestone boulders excavated from the property, and mulched with dark Whittlesey mulch to provide visual contrast and water retention while tying in to other defined beds and oak clusters on the property.

Bordi Prato american style - Foto e idee

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