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Idee per uno studio classico con pareti bianche, parquet scuro, scrivania autoportante e pavimento marrone
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Bentley Collection

The Bentley Collection is inspired by the Campaign style of the 18th and 19th centuries. The original Campaign designs were crafted for the gentlemen officer class of the British army. With sea voyages that typically lasted over three months and journeys that ranged from tropical jungles to scorching deserts, ease of transport and assembly were essential considerations in the design. The officers, accustomed to the best, required their traveling furniture in high style. Thus, the living room and bedroom suites that graced their tents would also be perfectly suitable in a fashionable London townhouse. Campaign furniture helped make life “under canvas” feel like home. In a modern day sense, this collection can do the same for you. Of course, you can’t fold the Bentley pieces for easy transport, but the concept remains the same: functional details help define successful style. Arhaus Furniture

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