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Idee per una stanza da bagno moderna
Mayflower Construction Group
Mayflower Construction Group
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle79 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Bathroom Remodel

Let us know your thoughts on our recent executive-style bathroom project? This space has a beautiful blend of modern and traditional design elements that will make the experience feel organized, spacious, and clean. The vanity has a dark oak finish that allows the soft beige quartz counter to pop; While also complimenting the mirror frame, and giving the space a traditional aesthetic. The shower continues the layout into a modern design with sleek beige tiles, having a vertical accent line that gives the space texture and additional color. Use the link in below to check out more of our bathroom remodeling on our website: https://mayflowerva.com/our-bathrooms/
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