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Ispirazione per una grande cabina armadio per donna tradizionale con pavimento in legno massello medio e pavimento beige
Kim Armstrong
Kim Armstrong
Valutazione media: 4.9 di 5 stelle19 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Austin Traditionally Ecclectic

this closet was converted from a small bonus space off the master bedroom, there is a small island with drawers, that the client uses for a packing station. We also have installed a little vanity station, so she can try on her jewelry after getting dressed. the doors leading into the closet are a pair of antique salvaged doors, more than likely from India. The stained glass transom above the door was custom designed and fit just for that space. this used to be just an open hallway to the bonus room, and now is a gorgeous renovated closet

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mandyabarrett lo ha aggiunto a Master Closet Addition10 gennaio 2025

Small vanity that doesn’t take away from wall space

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