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Ancient Surfaces
Ancient Surfaces
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Aires Mateus house Lisbon, Portugal 2006

•Architects: Aires Mateus •Location: Lisbon, Portugal •Architect: Manuel Aires Mateus •Years: 2006-20011 •Photos by: Ricardo Oliveira Alves •Stone floor: Ancient Surface A succession of everyday spaces occupied the lower floor of this restored 18th century castle on the hillside. The existing estate illustrating a period clouded by historic neglect. The restoration plan for this castle house focused on increasing its spatial value, its open space architecture and re-positioning of its windows. The garden made it possible to enhance the depth of the view over the rooftops and the Baixa river. An existing addition was rebuilt to house to conduct more private and entertainment functions. The unexpected discovery of an old and buried wellhead and cistern in the center of the house was a pleasant surprise to the architect and owners.
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