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Ispirazione per una piccola terrazza boho chic sul tetto con nessuna copertura
Chr DAUER Architects
Chr DAUER Architects
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle2 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

26th @ the GoldenGate

A family of avid hikers, surfers, and all-around outdoor enthusiasts asked us to create a rooftop family gathering space that better connected their lives to the natural wonders of the Golden Gate. Built smack dab in the middle of (and above) an existing three-story house, our biggest challenges were (in order of sleepless nights), waterproofing, concealing steel beams and columns, and detailing quality and sustainable materials that will withstand exposure to the rugged coastal elements. It was a great pleasure to work with clients who appreciate how the built environment can complement the natural. It is our hope that the design celebrates this connection for years to come. Structural Engineer: Pivot Structural Engineering General Contractor: Jeff King & Co. Photographer: Paul Dyer
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