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Foto di una grande taverna american style con sbocco, pareti grigie, pavimento in vinile, camino classico, cornice del camino in pietra e pavimento beige
Red House Remodeling
Red House Remodeling
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2017 Tour of Remodeled Homes Basement

Having lived in their new home for several years, these homeowners were ready to finish their basement and transform it into a multi-purpose space where they could mix and mingle with family and friends. Inspired by clean lines and neutral tones, the style can be described as well-dressed rustic. Despite being a lower level, the space is flooded with natural light, adding to its appeal. Central to the space is this amazing bar. To the left of the bar is the theater area, the other end is home to the game area. Jake Boyd Photo

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Mary lo ha aggiunto a Bar -Game Room - Movie Theater1 luglio 2020

basement bar layout, look of ours that Steve designed, just not as wide and removed the shelves

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