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Idee per una grande stanza da bagno padronale mediterranea con ante in legno bruno, vasca freestanding, doccia ad angolo, WC monopezzo, piastrelle beige, piastrelle in gres porcellanato, pareti bianche, pavimento in terracotta, lavabo sottopiano, top in quarzo composito, pavimento marrone, porta doccia a battente, top beige, nicchia, due lavabi, mobile bagno incassato e soffitto a volta
Your Nest By Design, Robin Kelley
Your Nest By Design, Robin Kelley
Valutazione media: 4 di 5 stelle1 RecensioneGuarda il profilo

Tierrasanta Spanish Inspired Master Bathroom

Master Bathroom Remodel, took a 90's track house bathroom with heavy soffits and L-shaped vanity - and turned it into a Modern Spanish Revival inspired oasis, with two arched openings framing personal vanities with furniture grade details. Iron sconces flank arched dressing mirrors. Custom hand-painted terra-cotta tile backsplash. The shower was expanded and a foot ledge pony wall separates the shower from the space for a freestanding soaking tub. The shower is tiled with an accent of hand-painted terra-cotta tiles, balanced by other budget friendly tiles and materials. Terracotta shower floor and floor tile ground the space with authentic Mediterranean flavor.

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Jean Flammia lo ha aggiunto a Jean's Ideas30 giugno 2022

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