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Immagine di una cucina tradizionale di medie dimensioni con lavello sottopiano, ante con bugna sagomata, ante bianche, top in quarzo composito, paraspruzzi multicolore, paraspruzzi con piastrelle in pietra, elettrodomestici in acciaio inossidabile, pavimento in legno massello medio, penisola, pavimento marrone e top multicolore
emma delon
emma delon
Valutazione media: 5 di 5 stelle32 RecensioniGuarda il profilo

Sunny Tuscan Inspired Kitchen with Beautiful Bronze Accents

This warm and inviting Tuscan inspired kitchen is located in a lovely little neighborhood in Durham, North Carolina. Here, warm cream cabinets are accented beautifully with Cambria Canterbury Quartz countertops, Jerusalem Gold limestone backsplashes, and bronze accents. The stainless steel appliances and Kohler stainless steel Simplice faucet provide a nice contrast to the dark bronze hardware, tile inserts, and light fixtures. The existing breakfast room light fixture, table, and chairs blend beautifully with the new selections in the room. New hardwood floors, finished to match the existing throughout the house, work fabulously with the warm yellow walls. The careful selection of cabinetry storage inserts and brand new pantry storage units make this kitchen a wonderfully functional space and a great place for both family meals and entertaining. copyright 2012 marilyn peryer photography

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Fabien Ingatsor lo ha aggiunto a Mes idées11 gennaio 2024


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