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Immagine di un piccolo giardino xeriscape chic esposto in pieno sole davanti casa in primavera con un ingresso o sentiero
Home & Garden Design, Atlanta - Danna Cain, ASLA
Home & Garden Design, Atlanta - Danna Cain, ASLA
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Springtime perennial ground covers blooming

The owners of this tiny front yard craved an interesting front yard that was colorful, drought tolerant and filled with herbs. We began by tearing out the hillside of junipers and overgrown hollies against the house. We created an interesting bedline, added boulders for visual interest and lots of good garden soil. In the areas for the most drought tolerant plants such as rosemary, lavender and sedums, we further amended to soil to insure extremely well drained soil preferred by these plants. All plant choices are drought tolerant and can tolerate the full sun of this south facing slope. In this early spring photo you see blue phlox in full bloom along the walk leading to front door. In the foreground, fragrant dianthus is just beginning to bloom. Behind the dianthus, fall blooming asters are just beginning to emerge. This is a landscape of 4 season interest. Photographer: Danna Cain, Home & Garden Design, Inc.
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